Ex-vice-presidente equatoriano Jorge Glas pede ajuda a López Obrador, Lula e Petro da prisão: “Há uma perseguição brutal”

Ex-vice-presidente equatoriano Jorge Glas pede ajuda a López Obrador, Lula e Petro da prisão: “Há uma perseguição brutal”

By memorandum from the presidents of Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, Jorge Glas requested mediation for their liberation. In three personal cards for each day, the former Equatorian Vice President announced that he is in a jungle of smoke and confined to a maximum security prison after being detained on April 10, when Equatorian President Daniel Noboa orders it. fast. To police and practice attacking the Mexicans in Quito and to deter the force of Glass, who only a few days before had been accepted as Mexican governor.

Card of the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro.

Violation of Mexican vigilance causes major international escalation. Mexico opposes its relations with Ecuador, and refuses to allow other countries such as Venezuela. Almost all countries face a violent invasion through blockade in order to disenfranchise President Rafael Correa, who, like Glass, has the status of political residency and living in Belgium. Along with corruption accused in our tropical courts, but some countries consider this a political persecution that led to the leadership of several successor rulers of Korea.

The glass was placed in La Roca, the maximum security in Guayaquil, where there are a large number of gang leaders and against what Noboa is doing through a war to reduce violence and security in the country. The governor of Equatoria state asserted that Mexico is violating international law by granting diplomatic immunity to Glass, and that she will face two threats and a third that will not be finally implemented after a year, preventing Natal from crossing into Mexico in order to stay. Upon reception, at the beginning of April, it was necessary to have a safe passage to the Equator Prefecture that would allow him to travel to the airport and travel to the island of Mexico. Later, you don’t have to worry about the security forces surrounding them, and when they are closed after an hour, you are not left behind in reality in areas confined by national safety.

Document of the President of Mexico and Brazil.
Document of the President of Mexico and Brazil.

Glass wrote the brief memoirs of the two most solidarist presidents, Lula da Silva and Gustavo Petro, presidents of Brazil and Colombia, respectively. It was also directed to López Obrador. In conversations they show deep concern, or politicians send a message of help. He shouts to the Mexican president: “Peço desculpas como equatoriano. You are in the best prison in Ecuador and you are in the smoky forests. I help. There is brutal persecution against all progressives. “So international help can make something happen.” I issued Petro nos mesmos termos, data card number dated April 15: “Ajude-me. Torturaram-me fora da xada. There is persecution against progressives in RC [se entiende que Rafael Correa]. So international aid can make something happen. “Estou na pior prisão e em greve de fome.” The text for Lola is practically identical.

Mexico will take Ecuador to the International Court of Justice, which is expected to be resolved, preventing its case from being suspended at the United Nations. The procedure also includes a request for expulsion from the organization if it is approved by a court that has violated the guidelines set forth in the founding memorandum of the United Nations. A large number of countries follow this request. A few days later, Noboa reached out to the President of Mexico: “Confido López Obrador to eat or tacos and talk.”

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